MICAH offers ministries for body, mind and spirit including contemplative and silent prayer, meditation, spirituality, spiritual direction, and retreat center.  The Family Practice and Integrative Medicine Center also offers holistic health and healing services including integrative, complimentary, alternative, and natural medicine, replacement therapy, natural healing, natural menopause, bio-identical hormones, and replacement therapy.

Our Services & Programs

Year-long Health and Spirituality Program

For more informaiton or to register please contact
Trey at trey.crxpres@midconetwork.com or (218) 280-4917


Purpose of the Health and Spirituality Program

Mind, Body, and Spirit...how are you feeling?

Every day we as a human race spend billions of dollars, amazing amounts of energy, and countless hours to feel better. It’s a search for completeness. We desperately want to be authentically healthy and whole individuals. However this search continues to be elusive. Why? Because even though we are physical, mental, and spiritual beings we don’t live like we are. And when we don’t nourish our mind, body, and spirit health and wholeness will never be a reality.

The purpose of this program is to bring about health and wholeness by integrating spirituality into the healing process. In this holistic approach to healing you will learn various prayer practices. A prayer practice is simply the art of being attentive to the divine in your life. Prayer practices help us become more aware of the personal connection between our physical and mental health and our sense of spirituality. They help us handle stress better, recover from life setbacks, improve creativity and focus, and give us a greater sense of value, meaning, and compassion. Prayer practices are so powerful and transforming that when we make them part of our everyday life we will actually feel better and suffer less.

In our modern world, in the midst of so much technology, we have forgotten that our bodies are a part of nature and need some basic care to stay healthy. Similarly our pace and life styles often inhibit us from noticing the presence of God. However, when we engage our health and spirituality we become fully alive.

Developing and deepening this relationship is the theme of the Health and Spirituality Program. It's important to look at health from the perspective of wellness and prevention rather than health just being the lack of the presence of disease. Spirituality is the exploration of that which is greater than self and the development of a relationship with the divine. When we look at health and spirituality together, we can see how they influence each other. Exploring our spirituality nurtures our health and certain health practices can provide the opportunity to deepen our spirituality.

No matter who we are, what we do, or what stage of life we're in we all need opportunities to reflect upon and examine our whole life, physically, mentally, and spiritually, in order to make serious and lasting changes. The Health and Spirituality Program is an investment toward becoming the person you were created to be.