MICAH offers ministries for body, mind and spirit including contemplative and silent prayer, meditation, spirituality, spiritual direction, and retreat center.  The Family Practice and Integrative Medicine Center also offers holistic health and healing services including integrative, complimentary, alternative, and natural medicine, replacement therapy, natural healing, natural menopause, bio-identical hormones, and replacement therapy.

Our Services & Programs

Year-long Health and Spirituality Program

For more informaiton or to register contact
Trey at trey.crxpres@midconetwork.com or (218) 280-4917

Do you...

  • want to improve the quality of your life, but you're not sure how?The Health and Spirituality Program
  • find yourself longing for more hope, beauty, and joy, but don't know where to begin?
  • struggle to live with chronic illness in a healthy way, but can't see how that's possible?

Discover Healing and Wholeness

Healing and wholeness require more than one visit to the doctor, an appointment with your counselor, or a Sunday service. At the Minnesota Institute of Contemplation and Healing we have developed the Health and Spirituality Program because we believe everyone has the potential of being authentically healthy and whole.

This year long comprehensive healing program is dedicated to helping you pay attention to your complete self. You will be given specific tools, individualized direction, and helpful encouragement from an experienced and diverse staff that genuinely cares about you and your quality of life.

Our Health and Spirituality Program will give you the personalized support you need on your journey toward becoming fully alive.

Experience Inner Healing in the Midst of Cultural Chaos

Our American culture is riddled with fear and anxiety. We gravitate toward what our culture tells us will help: shopping more, watching more, exercising more, eating more, sleeping more, drinking more, working more, playing more, medicating more, living in the virtual world more, and so on and so forth. We follow the lead of our anxious culture and do what it tells us, “Ignore and numb yourselves from what is deep under the surface of your uncomfortable, nagging and sometimes debilitating fear and anxiety!” The skyrocketing opioid epidemic is a further deadly warning signal of just how unhealthy we are as a culture.

When we begin to work through our underlying causes of fear and anxiety we find that the chaotic and unhealthy culture we live in no longer has the power over us as it once did.

If these words sound all too familiar to you but you don’t know how to start, then you might consider the Health and Spirituality Program.

The Health and Spirituality Program, is a supportive, slow paced, and tailor made healing program. Being part of this program you will experience the support of others who will walk with you at your pace while you discover and work with deep seated issues and develop new and healing life habits.

Reshaping Anxiety, Reviving a Life — Ruth's Story

[...] "I knew that I had to feel better. I had to stop circling around my same old methods for dealing with life because they were not working. Something had to change and it had to be me.

With the gentle guidance of the folks at MICAH, I have been given the gift of seeing my life through a different lens and the power to ask new questions and discover new insights. I'm given tools that help me mine through the layers of emotions that life builds up.

It's a dear and astonishing thing, after one has grown accustomed to feeling so bad, to start feeling joy again." [...]

Continue reading Dr. Ruth Hetland's story at transformation-is-real.com...

Your Personalized Journey to Healing

Everyone is in a different stage along the journey of life and for a healing program to be effective it should accurately reflect where you currently are in that journey. Are you hoping to focus on nutrition and fitness? Do you have a sense that prayer and creativity are what you’ve been longing for? Creating space in your schedule and being mindful may be what you need for healing.

The Life Journey Themes listed below are one of the tools used to tailor make your program. Together you and the Health and Spirituality Staff will use the themes listed below as a guide in developing a program that’s most beneficial to your spiritual, mental, and physical well-being.

Life Journey Themes:

Simplifying Life
A slow and simple life is hard to find in our extremely materialistic, busy, and time poor culture. But a slower and simpler life is possible. Simplifying Life focus on the healing benefits of noticing what we are doing, what we are accumulating and what fills our minds. Some of the topics include; creating space in your schedule, care of the earth, sane holidays, money matters, and mindfulness.

Nutrition Awareness
Nutrition Awareness is all about simply noticing what goes into your body. When we make healthy food choices we become healthier individuals. Nutrition Awareness covers a wide range of topics including local and organic foods, gardening, creative cooking, and weight management.

Your Body Will Love You
Learning to listen to your body is what Your Body Will Love You is about. When we pay attention to our bodies our bodies respond in positive ways. This theme which focuses primarily on your physical health covers topics such as exercise, sleeping habits, dealing with stress, learning to rest, and gender specific issues.

Awareness of the Divine
Awareness of the Divine covers a variety of ancient prayer practices. Prayer practices help us handle stress better, recover from life setbacks, improve creativity and focus, and give us a greater sense of value, meaning, and compassion. Prayer practices are so powerful and transforming that when we make them part of our everyday life we will actually feel better and suffer less. Some of the prayer practices covered are; Lectio Divina, the Examen prayer, the Jesus prayer, and walking prayer.

Creative Spirit
Even though we may not realize it creativity flows through our veins. When we tap into our creative side we experience more joy and healing in our lives. Some of the topics covered in Creative Spirit are; journaling, poetry, bird watching, music, painting, and the art of play. Do what brings you joy.

Living in Community
Learning to live in true community is difficult in our individualistic culture. Without realizing it our inability to be in healthy relationship with others affects our well being as well as the well being of those around us. Authentic relationships help bring about physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Some of the topics covered in Living in Community are; setting boundaries, making time for yourself, what a healthy community looks like, being a true neighbor, and forgiveness.

The Deeper Life
The Deeper Life focuses on the spiritual dimensions of life. As we become more aware of the spiritual life we realize how it affects the health and well being of our entire life. The Deeper Life discusses such subjects as the Desert Mothers and Fathers, observations of God and the world around us, and the revolutionary sayings of Jesus.

Specialized Clergy Track
Being a ministry professional has it’s own set of unique dynamics. The tremendous amount of unhealthy and unhappy clergy reveals the challenges, stresses, and strains ministers face on a daily basis. The special clergy track is designed to bring encouragement, rejuvenation, and direction. Some of the topics discussed are; contemplative sermon writing, being a discerning leader, family and work, church conflict, and living out of your authentic self.

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